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ICAP lanzó una Guía de Principios para la Publicidad Responsable de Bebidas Alcohólicas

Escrito por Nicolas Largo el viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012 | 13:09

En diciembre, la ICAP (International Center for Alcohol Policies) anunció el lanzamiento de una nueva Guía de Principios para la Publicidad Responsable de Bebidas Alcohólicas, desarrollada en consulta con la WFA (World Federation of Advertisers) y la EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance).

Representing 11 leading global alcohol producers, the International Center for Alcohol Policies (ICAP; www.icap.org) today announced the release of Guiding Principles for Responsible Beverage Alcohol Marketing.
The Guiding Principles were developed in consultation with WFA as well as the International Council of the European Advertising Standards Alliance, which brings together self-regulatory organisations across the world. They are based on a thorough analysis of existing codes of practice of regulatory and self-regulatory agencies, companies' own codes, and sector or trade association codes.
WFA strongly welcomes the Guiding Principles. For the first time, there are now common global standards for alcohol marketing. This represents a major step in the long-standing commitment by leading alcohol producers to effective self-regulation.
The Guiding Principles serve as a tool for highlighting the underlying global values in responsible advertising and marketing practices across beverage alcohol industry sectors and forming a basis for developing new codes or assessing existing codes in diverse markets. The sponsoring companies of ICAP are committed to actively disseminate and promote the principles in collaboration with international organizations, and WFA will work closely with them to help implement the Principles at a local level.
The Guiding Principles constitute an important element of the Self-Regulation initiative of Global Actions on Harmful Drinking (www.global-actions.org), a collective commitment made by the chief executives of major international beverage alcohol producers to make a significant effort in the 2010-2012 time frame to address harmful drinking through a combination of global and local actions, with an emphasis on low- and middle-income countries.

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